![]() | Neobvyklé kytary 17 : Driskill Diablo- Kategorie: KytaraKytara vyrobená pro specifické potřeby jednoho kytaristy. Jediná svého druhu. velmi zvláštní řešení...
Účel této kytary není úplně na první pohled jasný, trochu to evokuje patent pro nějaký typ slide kytary, ale stačí si přečíst vysvětlení kytaráře a jsme doma...
Original text
This is Kurt's guitar. Kurt is an amazing guy. He is quadriplegic yet he wanted me to make a guitar that he could play. So, I got it all done finally. As you can see, it has a claw that rides down on rails. This claw has a Teflon block inside of it which has a .76" recess in it. The rod has a ball end on it that is .75" and that lets it rotate. The claw also has a stainless steel bar that is spring loaded inside of it which does the fretting. The rod hooks up to a 1/4" moveable socket which is welded to limit its movement and has O ring grooves cut into it. The mouthstick then attaches to that with snap rings and has tubing over it to pick and strum the strings. The entire guitar is covered in 12K carbon fiber. It has vertical tuners so that he can tune it with his mouthstick. The tribal design on the body is aluminum and the inlays are medieval paua abalone crosses. The claw rides on shaft rods and Teflon/Freliner bearings. It sounds so cool!!! Like a mean slide guitar. I am really excited to see what Kurt can do with this. This was the most tremendous amount of work ever. I had to learn 2 new software programs, how to cut metal, fixture metal, engineer all kinds of stuff, make carbon fiber, etc. I even had to make a case for it. I managed to slice my thumb up doing that. It bled for about 4 hours! Should have gotten stitches. There are a ton of bandwidth hogging pictures here, but this is one really unique guitar so I went ahead and put a bunch up.
Na celém textu je asi nejdůležitější slovo quadriplegic, které jsem ve slovníku bohužel nenašel. Naštěstí mi ho můj americký kolega vysvětlil. V podstatě se jedná o vyjádření toho, že člověk nemůže hýbat ani rukama ani nohama. V souvislostí s touto informaci již je asi každému jasné jaký je účel kytary a jaké je zhruba její použití.
- Staženo z : www.driskillguitars.com
- Fotogalerie : Driskill guitars